I'd love to blame all this on LION. He's the one who started the original thread. But as you will see, it didn't take long for the rest of us to leap aboard what soon became a runaway train.
Posted: Dec 08 2005@ 09:25 AM
by: LIONARTist
Here's my entry into the museum.
Chapter 1: The ReckoningJack stumbled out of the jungle in an awkward stumbling gate. He had just been through the worst night of his life and it was about to get even worse.His body ached in every muscle. His head throbbed like some great big throbbing thing that hurt real bad, and his ankles were sore and disconcerting. He felt like he had been put through a washing machine on a hot summer's day and he knew what that was like. Oh yes, he knew.He had just fought a great battle with the nameless island monster, which turned out to be a mass of churning alien insects from planet Gamma-X90. He had defeated the monster using the refridgerator magnets that Sayid had so thoughtfully slipped into his jeans pockets without him knowing it was even possible to do such a thing. Lucky thing for Jack that the insects proved vulnerable to the EM forces that the magnets exuded.Now he stood facing east and feeling like the worst part of his journey was over. That is until he spied a sight which was unbelievable, even to his scientific eyes. Off in the distance, about 1 mile, he viewed Kate, running fast towards the spot where he now stood. She was running very fast. He could tell she was running fast. Because pools of sweat had appeared on her shirt between her heaving breasts and she was making a face as if she was straining to run and run like the wind. She approached him and got closer and closer. Then, even closer still, until at last, she was almost upon him. As she ran, Jack could see that Kate had a glazed look in her eye. She didn't appear to be herself. It frightened Jack and he began to get worried about what fate may await him.As Kate reached Jack, he finally noticed the large pointed stick that she seemed to be carrying in her left hand. Jack thought that was odd. Because as everyone knew, Kate was right-handed. "That's odd", Jack thought to himself, as Kate thrust the pointed stick towards his waiting spleen. If it wasn't for his lightning reflexes, Jack would've got a spleenectomy. He grabbed Kate and together they tumbled over the cliff that Jack hadn't noticed until just at that moment in time. They fell for what seemed like an eternity, and then something grabbed at Jack's leg. Even though Kate had just about tried to kill him, he instinctively lashed his arm out and caught Kate and stopped her from falling any further down, down, down the face of the very frightening embankment. Just then Jack looked and saw that what was ahold of his leg was a huge man dressed in the garments of the Zulu tribesmen. What new exciting adventures await Jack and Kate and the other castaways on the LOST ISLAND!
Posted: Dec 08 2005@ 09:39 AM
by: LIONARTist
Here is another writer who inspired me. I'll leave them as anonymous unless they want to claim their work.It was a really dark night on the island of mysteries. It was storming. It was a dark and stormy night. Not a star was in the sky.. Well, they were in the sky but they couldn't be seen because there were so many clouds. Lightning thundered across the sky. Thunder lightninged to the ground. It was really scary. It was the type of night that "others" could snatch you at any time.Jack had traveled many miles across the island to get from the beach back to the caves. On his way back to the caves Jack could here running footsteps all around him. Jack wasn't scared. Jack was a man of science. Jack was going to the caves because he thought the caves would be safer during the storm. He didn't know that he would end up saving people's lives but he would.Jack realized that he could not find the caves and that he was "lost". Jack pitched a "tent" out of some blankets that he was bringing to the caves. The "tent was pitched at the bottom of a really scary dark hill with a really scary cave(that wasn't the cave he was looking for) on the top that could only be seen when the lightning flashed. He was brave. He ate some mangos and went to sleep in the tent that he had pitched so that he could sleep in it.Later in the night, Jack was awakened by a really scary scream(that sounded familiar). Someone is in trouble, thought Jack. Loud whispers were heard. Jack could see a very large man on top of the hill as lightning still flashed in the distance(it had stopped raining by now). Jack could hear a voice that was loud and scary. He had a long sharp stick. Jack approached the man, he noticed blood on the stick. Jack assumed that the man had killed people before. He was a mean "other" who liked to kill people with his stick. He was going to kill people with his stick tonight."I will go to the survivors and take one of them tonight", the man shouted. "It has to be a child because that would seem more evil than if it was just anybody. Maybe I'll kill an old man and a woman too. That would be very evil and cruel," the man yelled. So he picked up his stick which he had set down while he was talking so that he could gesture with his grotesque(or gross if that is spelled wrong) hands. He left to snatch a child. And maybe an old man or a woman too.
Posted: Dec 08 2005 @ 10:01 AM
by: libbyrocks05
Vincent awakens with a start. "What was that?" He thought.It was a bear. A great, big, shiney white polar bear.See Vincent run.Run, Vincent, run.
Posted: Dec 08 2005 @ 10:27 AM
by: dad_of_4_
Ok - then the girl, not the pregnant one ran real fastily. The girl with the dark hair, not the blonde one that got died, ran toward the beach.When the girl, not the one that can speak English but didn't tell her husband, got at the beach, she stopped running fastily. There he was, her man, not the doctor guy, the other one.Her man, the guy that took everybody's stuff, was nekked as a jay bird but she couldn't see the good stuff a cause he was in the water about yay high.He, the one with the long hair, turned and looked at her and said, " Ay - Ow's yore Mom 'n 'em."She smiled exposing the peel of a sliced orange that she had been given by the bald guy that couldn't walk but now he can. He, the one that killed the shrimp guy, laughed.She, the one that blowed up her Daddy, spit out the peel and said, "I don't want to talk about my Mom 'n 'em. You're needed back at the hatch thingy. The Korean guy that can't speak English and the large guy that says "Dude" need to talk to you."He, the one that that the Iraqui guy tortured, said, "Tell Chewy and Dhudda, that I'll be right there."She, the one that the robbed the bank, said, "OK, and uh...you might want some sunscreen back there."To be continued.....
Posted: Dec 08 2005 @ 10:32 AM
by: trolltrolltrolltroll1
The snow started up again and snowed off and on all day as the donkeys played. Even Bella and Annie got into the spirit and played in the snow. All four donkeys had a wonderful time making snow donkeys, slideing down the hill, rolling around in the white fluffy stuff and giggling at Bogie. Bogie decided he was he-man of the pasture snow hill. He would push everyone off the hill that tryed to concour his domain. Thru all the fun and frollick the donkeys had one friend wasn't feeling so good. Joseph couldn't quite get comfortable in his bed. He tossed and turned to no avail. His breathing became raspy and he couldn't call out for help from his friends. Joseph knew his time was limited, the life span of a butterfly is only so long. He tried to remain on this earth long enough to say thank you and good bye to his family. But as the donkeys played, Joseph's guarding angel took his wing and gently guided him towards the bright lite. She kissed his cheek and handed him over to a life ever lasting in heaven. As Joseph approched the gates of heaven his mother and father and siblings were there to welcome him in. Joseph was in awe at how beautiful heaven was. Crystal clear water falls, pastures green as the first day of spring and flowers blooming everywhere. All of his relatives were there and he felt at peace. Joseph traded in his earthly wings for ones made of gold. His antenias became halos and he was able to look thru the clouds at the donkeys. He knew that if he could watch over them from Heaven, everything was going to be just fine. The donkeys raced back into the barn, Bogie and Fannie went in search of Joseph only to find him gone. In Joseph's place was a single wing of many colors. The children were confused and took it to Bella to ask where Joseph went. Bella took one look at the beautiful wing and knew that Joseph's time on earth has ended. She gently asked the children to sit down and she proceeded to tell them that Joseph has passed on. He is in heaven now with his family and sitting at God's table eating the finest nector from the most beautiful flowers. He is happy and at peace now.Bogie couldn't believe his ears. How could Joseph leave without telling them good bye? He couldn't hide the tears that ran down his face and ran out of the barn before anyone tried to comfort him. Bogie ran to the opposite side of the pasture and cryed. His tears froze on his cheeks, but he didn't care. His friend was gone and nothing in the world could bring him back. What started out as such a wonderful day turned into the worse day of Bogies life. Fannie cried in Annies arms and Bella stroked her back comforting her. They knew that Bogie needed to be alone with his emotions so they didn't try to bother him just yet. In time Bogie will come back and they can plan a memorial for Joseph. Until that time all they could do is comfort each other and talk about all the joy Joseph brought to their lives in the short time he was there.
Posted: Dec 08 2005 @ 11:30 AM
by: NoNicksinExile
“I’m hungry.” Said Hurley looking at Jack in hunger. “Oh, maybe you can get some boar from the caves.” Said Jack not looking at hurley. “No, we’re out of boar cause Locke won’t get anymore.” Said Hurley back to Jack the hunger getting even more in his stomache. “Oh that’s too bad” said jack. Jack was a Dr, and because of his being a Dr people were always asking him for advice. Jack didn’t like it too much because he didn’t like to give advice. Unless it was medical advice, or people weren’t actually asking him for his advice. Hurley decided to go to the beach because he wanted to talk to Rose, who was probably there doing laundry like she normaly did. He wan’t sure why she didn’t use the crazy space age anachronistic washer and dryer set in the hatch but he didn’t care much. He was just getting more hungrier with each step which were many because it was a long way to the beach from the hatch. By the time hurley got to the beach he was sweating a lot. He didn’t see Rose. Maybe she was out somewhere walking with Bernard. Bernard was Roses’ husband who just came back from the other side of the island that was white. (Her husband not the island) No one saw that coming, except maybe Ana Lucia that new chick who was with Bernard. No one liked her much. “hello Hurley.” Said the chinese, from behind him who everyone hated because he was mean to his wife. He wasn’t so mean anymore though. “What? I thought you spoke Chinese?” said Hurley quickly turning to face Jin. “Korean actually. But you’re dreaming.” “oh” said Hurley quietly as he woke up in the hatch. “What?” asked locke who was on the couch next tom him. “Nothing.” Said Hurley. What a strange dream. “If your hungry there’s boar on the table out there.” Said locke, which he thought was really ironic.The End.
Posted: Dec 08 2005 @ 11:35 AM
I'll give you excellent marks for the heavy use of run-on sentences and the almost complete absence of mental imagery. Very bad indeed.
Posted: Dec 08 2005 @ 11:50 AM
by: MeSlapMeThrowRock
ROTFLMAO!! First chance today to sign on and this is what greets me! This stuff is SO BAD.
Postedby: LIONARTist
Thank you?
Posted: Dec 08 @ 12:27 PM
by: LIONARTist
Capter 2: The Reckoning part 2The huge, yet somehow gentle man with vengeance in his heart, pulled Jack to him, and Kate as well. "You must be very careful", the big guy said. "She has the sickness".Jack was in shock and dismay. So much so, that he lost his grip on Kate and she fell all the way down and hit some big rocks, thus killing her through blunt-force trauma of the worst variety."It's just as well. She was dead to you and me already" said the huge funnily dressed man, who Jack would later find out was named Mr. JOOP. Jack quickly forgot about Kate's unseemly death, even though she was the love of his life."What do you mean by saying, THE SICKNESS?"Find out what Mr. JOOP MEANS IN CHAPTER 3 - THE RECKONING PART 3.
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